Saturday, November 8, 2014

Science and Technology By William Zinser

Science and Technology
By William Zinser

    William Zinser points out that writers are commonly afraid of writing about science and that scientists are afraid of writing. Zinser quickly establishes that these two things are unnecessary fears that are lugged around in life. He emphasizes that,
"Writing is not a special language owned by the English teacher... Science, demystified, is just another nonfiction subject. Writing, demystified, is just another way for scientists to transmit what they know." 
    William states that scientific information can be read by anyone, the matter is on how the sentences are put together. This means that when you are writing about something scientific you have to start small and vague and then get deeper into the subject. Also Zinser explains that when writing about a scientific subject things have to be broken down and explained how they work. Doing this will cause you to know what you are writing about and it will make the reader understand as well. The principle of leading readers step by step to a grasp of subjects that they thought they would never get, which is the same principle used in writing any nonfiction piece.
"Describing how a process works is valuable for two reasons. It forces you to make sure you know how it works. Then it forces you to take the reader through the same sequence of ideas and deductions that made the process clear to you."
How does Charles Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection validate evolution?
Mission Statement

I want my readers to be able to understand Charles Darwin and the theory of natural selection, how it led to the understanding of evolution.

  • I want to show the steps that Charles Darwin took to start his research. 
  • I want to show Charles Darwin's findings and how they led up to the theory of natural selection.
  • I want to show how natural selection reinforced and led scientists to prove evolution.
  • I want to inform on how Charles found the animals he used in his research and how he studied them.

For the Format:
  • I want to write and informational paper.
  • I want to cover all the views and perspectives in the research.
  • I want to introduce the topic of evolution, delve into the surroundings of Charles Darwin and why he chose his study, then go into the actual research and explain what he was trying to find out. Lastly, I want to inform how his findings supported evolution and how it affected the rest of the world.

Friday, November 7, 2014